Foto: flor de Sábila / Photo: Aloe´s Flower

No hay necesidad de comentarios. / No need for comments.
Foto: Tanto en tan poco… / Photo: So much within so little…
Sin comentario. Solo observa. / No comments. Just watch

Foto: Postal de Atitlan / Photo: Card from Atitlan
Solo mira eso… / Just look at that…
Lago de Atitlan, Solola, Guatemala.

Foto: A la luz de un farol / Photo: By the street-light

Quedé encantado con el resultado de jugar con la luz. La última flor de esta primavera a la luz del farol…
Very pleased with the result of messing with the camera ISO settings. The last flower of this spring, under the dawn light…

Foto: Paloma, Actitud y Altitud / Photo: Pigeon, Attitude and Altitude
Sin comentarios, solo atisbos… / No comments, just glimpses….

Foto: Café con Nostalgia / Photo: Coffee with Sigh

ENGLISH: one last coffee plant standing. The plantation house falling apart. A postcard from a time gone by…